Nagle Notes: Doors
Hello people of the future,
Have you ever wondered why bathroom doors open in? You must touch the door handle to pull it open, and chances are someone didn’t wash their hands before leaving. Wouldn’t it be easier to have the door be a push to exit and then we could stop the potential petri dish? Well, there are some good reasons for its interior swing.
Pull to enter lets smells flow out into the hall. With an inward swing, the door sucks fresh hall air into the bathroom and helps seal any unpleasant smells.
Push to exit door would swing out into the hallway/corridor and could disrupt people passing by.
Push to enter also prevent you from getting locked in since the hinges and locks are on the inside.
Finally, you tend to be in more of a hurry going in compared to when leaving (I wonder why). A push to enter saves time and helps to prevent “accidents”.
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