Nagle Notes: Words
Hello people of the future,
Words. We use them in speech or for any writing on devices. But there are words cluttering your prose and not carrying their weight. Being intentional with your word choice helps your perception (and everyone wants to be perceived better). These are some words I have (or am trying to) eliminated. Many are ambiguous words instead of the correct description.
Stuff: why are you saying stuff? Describe the object instead. “I don’t like that stuff” – “I don’t like scary movies.” (Things is as bad)
That: can be removed or replaced “I love that” – “I love rock n’ roll too” or from my third sentence “there are words that clutter” – “there are words cluttering.”
Literally, really, very: all of these can be replaced by choosing the accurate adjective. “I’m very sad” – “I’m somber”. Yes you will need to learn new words (bust out a dictionary or thesaurus).
Just: The only use should be for fair or equitable. Saying “I just want a juice box” is weaker than “I want a juice box.”
To help with eliminating these words, I’ve added them into my autocorrect so anytime I type them, it gets deleted. Even writing this post I wanted to use “that” in many sentences and was reminded not to. Speech, whether written or verbal, is how to communicate the thoughts in your head. Doing it better makes life better.
PS: Interesting Links
The Apollo computer science
Two friends who make Google run
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