Nagle Notes: Posture
This week I was reminded about posture and how it drastically affects us.
It started with a video by Tim Ferriss about journaling and notetaking. In it, he mentions how at the top of his journal he likes to write State – Story – Strategy. The state is whatever physical state you find yourself in and how that impacts what story you tell yourself about the world. The story you tell will then affect how you create a strategy for accomplishing the tasks for the day. Having that mindset of getting some exercise can reset your brain, creating a better story and strategy for you, and ultimately improving your work.
The next serendipitous event was an email from Seth Godin. He mentions how you can change your posture to bring out better outcomes in situations.
Finally, in the book I’m reading How To Talk To Anyone, Tip 4 is about how to hold yourself in a more confident posture, shoulders back, head up and you will appear to be a “big winner”.
Posture is not something we think about anymore. Not many mothers are forcing children to have their shoulders back or teachers yelling about sitting up straight. In the world today, beauty is about hairstyles and makeup, but technology is not helping our posture.
How we hold ourselves shows the world how to treat us.