Nagle Notes: Why?
Hello people of the future,
It can be a fun experiment to go down the why rabbit hole. If you ever want to know something, ask why? And keep asking why until you run out of answers. It’s a common game younger children do (I remember never being satisfied until I annoyed the other person into giving up). But going down the rabbit hole can give you the truest answers: like why are leaves green.
Well because they reject green light and absorb all the rest of the spectrum.
Well because the chlorophyll within each leave has green pigment.
But why green? Why not reject blue and absorb green light?
Well because it is too variable and that can be dangerous even though it’s the most common wavelength to reach the surface. I could make a bunch of analogies about how what is plentiful can be harmful (or insert your own). For myself, I really enjoy that every world, niche, or discipline can be an universe to itself. The smallest thing (like leaf colors) can be so deep and interesting. So follow what interests you, and keep asking why.
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