Nagle Notes: Snowballing

Hello Friends,

This weekend has been a dichotomy of action. Saturday I was super productive. Watched Seinfeld, made a great lunch, read some of my book and worked a blog post. Then I looked at the clock and it was 3pm. I had so much left in the day. Sunday was a different story. I played Super Mario Odyssey for the majority of the day. Why the stark contrast of the two days?

Saturday, I woke up at 8:30 and decided, “Eh I'll get started then I'll watch some YouTube in a bit.”

Sunday, I woke up at 10 and decided, “There isn’t anything to do. I’ll play something.”

Waking up (early) and deciding to do one productive thing snowballed into a great day that had plenty of time for fun in the evening. But that feedback loop can work in the opposite direction. Try to start your day right. Max always says to make your bed so you’ve accomplished something with the day. (He got it from a UT Commencement Address)



PS: Interesting Finds

Catan Championship

Passport Power


Nagle Notes: Criticizing


Nagle Notes: Vocabulary